Недавние публикации
1. Frid, A. I., Vulfin, A. M., Berholz, V. V., Zakharov, D. Y., & Mironov, K. V. (2020). Architecture of the security access system for information on the state of the automatic control systems of aircraft. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 17(8), 151-164. doi:10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.11
Starostin, N., & Mironov, K. (2019). Strategies of the level-by-level approach to the minimal route. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 4(1), 268-281. doi:10.25046/aj040126
2. Mironov, K., Gayanov, R., & Kurennov, D. (2019). Observing and forecasting the trajectory of the thrown body with use of genetic programming. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 4(1), 248-257. doi:10.25046/aj040124
3. Vokhmintcev, A. V., Melnikov, A. V., Mironov, K. V., & Burlutskiy, V. V. (2019). Reconstruction of three-dimensional maps based on closed-form solutions of the variational problem of multisensor data registration. Doklady Mathematics, 99(1), 108-112. doi:10.1134/S1064562419010290
4. Mironov, K. (2017). Transport by robotic throwing and catching: Accurate stereo tracking of the spherical object. Paper presented at the 2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing, ICIEAM 2017 - Proceedings, doi:10.1109/ICIEAM.2017.8076490
5. Mironov, K., & Pongratz, M. (2016). Fast kNN-based prediction for the trajectory of a thrown body. Paper presented at the 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2016, 512-517. doi:10.1109/MED.2016.7536007
6. Pongratz, M., & Mironov, K. (2015). Accuracy of positioning spherical objects with a stereo camera system. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, , 2015-June(June) 1608-1612. doi:10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125326