• Юдин
    Дмитрий Александрович
    Заведующий Лабораторией интеллектуального транспорта
    Кандидат технических наук, старший научный сотрудник
    Почта: yudin.da@mipt.ru
    Научные интересы
    Компьютерное зрение
    Искусственный интеллект
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Ключевые публикации

  1. Linok, S., Zemskova, T., Ladanova, S., Titkov, R. Yudin, D., Monastyrny M., Valenkov A. Beyond Bare Queries: Open-Vocabulary Object Retrieval with 3D Scene Graph. Accepted to ICRA-2025, 2025 (URL)(code) (project)
  2. Kirill Muravyev, Alexander Melekhin, Dmitriy Yudin, and Konstantin Yakovlev. PRISM-TopoMap: Online Topological Mapping with Place Recognition and Scan Matching. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2025 (URL)(code)
  3. Yudin D. Multimodal 3D map reconstruction for intelligent robotcs using neural network-based methods. Doklady Mathematics. 2024 (code)
  4. Bezuglyj, V., D. A. Yudin. Sea-SHINE: Semantic-Aware 3D Neural Mapping Using Implicit Representations. Optical Memory and Neural Networks 33. Suppl 3 (2024): S445-S456. (URL)(code)
  5. Zhang, H., Yudin, D., Makarov, D. Adaptive Backstepping Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Manipulator with Output Constraints. IEEE Access. 2024 (URL)(code)
  6. Murhij, Y., Yudin D. DAGM-Mono: Deformable Attention-Guided Modeling for Monocular 3D Reconstruction. Optical Memory and Neural Networks 33.2 (2024): 144-156. (URL)(code)
  7. Murhij, Y., Yudin, D. OFMPNet: Deep end-to-end model for occupancy and flow prediction in urban environment. Neurocomputing, 2024, 586, 127649 (URL)(code)
  8. Melekhin A., Bezuglyj V., Petryashin I., Muravyev K., Linok S., Yudin D., Panov, A. ITLP-Campus: A Dataset for Multimodal Semantic Place Recognition. International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry, 2024. pp. 185-195. (URL)(code)(dataset)
  9. Zemskova, T., Staroverov, A., Muravyev, K., Yudin, D.A., Panov, A.I. Interactive Semantic Map Representation for Skill-Based Visual Object Navigation. IEEE Access, 2024, 12, pp. 44628–44639 (URL)(code)
  10. Yudin, D., Khorin, A., Zemskova, T., Ovchinnikova, D. TASFormer: Task-Aware Image Segmentation Transformer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2024, 14451 LNCS, pp. 305–317 (URL)(code)
  11. Avshalumov M., Volovikova Z., Yudin D., Panov A. Reframing: Detector-Specific Prompt Tuning for Enhancing Open-Vocabulary Object Detection. Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. LNCS. 2024 (URL)(code)
  12. A. Yudin, D., Zakharenko, N., Smetanin, A., Filonov, R., Kichik, M., Kuznetsov, V., Larichev D., Gudov E., Budennyy S., Panov, A. Hierarchical waste detection with weakly supervised segmentation in images from recycling plants. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 128, 107542. 2023 (URL)(code)(kaggle)
  13. A.Staroverov, A. S. Gorodetsky, Andrei S. Krishtopik, U.A. Izmesteva, D. A. Yudin, A. K. Kovalev, A. I. Panov. Fine-tuning Multimodal Transformer Models for Generating Actions in Virtual and Real Environments. IEEE Access, 2023 (URL) (code)
  14. Klokov, D. U. Pak, A. Khorin, D. A. Yudin, L. Kochiev, V. Luchinskiy, V. Bezuglyj. DAPS3D: Domain Adaptive Projective Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds. IEEE Access. 2023 (URL) (code)
  15. Yudin D., Khorin A., Zemskova T., Ovchinnikova D. TASFormer: Task-aware Image Segmentation Transformer. In International Conference on Neural Information Processing, LNCS, 2023, pp. 305-317 (URL) (code)
  16. Linok, S. A., Yudin, D. A. (2023). Influence of Neural Network Receptive Field on Monocular Depth and Ego-Motion Estimation. Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 32(Suppl 2), S206-S213 (URL) (code)
  17. Zemskova, T., Kichik, M., Yudin, D., Staroverov, A., & Panov, A. (2023). SegmATRon: Embodied Adaptive Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Environment. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.12031 (URL) (code)
  18. Yudin D., Solomentsev Y., Musaev R., Staroverov A. , Panov A. HPointLoc: open dataset and framework for indoor visual localization based on synthetic RGB-D images. ICONIP-2022, LNCS, 2023 (URL) (code)
  19. Murhij, Y., Golodkov, A., Yudin, D. Rethinking Voxelization and Classification for 3D Object Detection. ICONIP-2022. CCIS 1793, pp. 1–12, 2023 (URL) (code)
  20. Pushkarev, D., Mironov, K., Basharov, I., Kichik, M., Linok, S., Yudin, D., Alhaddad M., Panov, A. (2022). Door opening strategy for mobile manipulator with constrained configuration. In Interactive Collaborative Robotics: 7th International Conference, ICR 2022, Fuzhou, China, December 16-18, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 130-142) (URL) (video)
  21. V. I. Kuznetsov, D. A. Yudin. Neural Networks for Classification and Unsupervised Segmentation of Visibility Artifacts on Monocular Camera Image. Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 2022, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 245–255 (URL) (code)
  22. D. Kirilenko, A. K. Kovalev, Y. Solomentsev, A. Melekhin, D. A. Yudin, A. I. Panov. Vector Symbolic Scene Representation for Semantic Place Recognition //2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2022. С. 1-8. (URL)
  23. Basharov, I., & Yudin, D. (2022). Multitask Learning for Extensive Object Description to Improve Scene Understanding on Monocular Video. In Advances in Neural Computation, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Research VI (pp. 415-425) (URL)
  24. Bezuglyj V., Yudin D. Reconstruction of 3D Semantic Map and its Quality Estimation. International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry, 2022 (URL) (code)
  25. Murhij Y., Yudin D. FMFNet: Improve the 3D Object Detection and Tracking via Feature Map Flow //2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2022. С. 1-8. (URL) (code)
  26. Shepel, I., Adeshkin, V., Belkin, I., Yudin, D. A. (2021). Occupancy Grid Generation with Dynamic Obstacle Segmentation in Stereo Images. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (URL) (code)
  27. Kasatkin, N., Yudin, D. (2021). Real-Time Approach to Neural Network-Based Disparity Map Generation from Stereo Images. In International Conference on Neuroinformatics (pp. 261-268). Springer, Cham. (URL)
  28. Abdrazakov, L., Yudin, D. (2021). Neural Network Adaptation of the Kalman Filter for Odometry Fusion. In International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry (pp. 44-54). Springer, Cham. (URL)
  29. Belkin, I., Abramenko, A., Yudin, D. (2021). Real-time lidar-based localization of mobile ground robot. Procedia Computer Science, 186, 440-448. (URL)
  30. Basharov, I., Yudin, D. (2021). Real-time deep neural networks for multiple object tracking and segmentation on monocular video. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 44, 15-20. (URL)
  31. Staroverov, A., Yudin, D. A., Belkin, I., Adeshkin, V., Solomentsev, Y. K., Panov, A. I. (2020). Real-Time Object Navigation with Deep Neural Networks and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Access, 8, 195608-195621. (URL) (code)
  32. Rezanov, A., Yudin, D. (2020). Deep Neural Networks for Ortophoto-Based Vehicle Localization. In International Conference on Neuroinformatics (pp. 167-174). Springer, Cham. (URL)
  33. Yudin, D. A., Adeshkin, V., Dolzhenko, A. V., Polyakov, A., Naumov, A. E. (2020). Roof Defect Segmentation on Aerial Images Using Neural Networks. In International Conference on Neuroinformatics (pp. 175-183). Springer, Cham. (URL) (code) (dataset)
  34. Yudin, D. A., Skrynnik, A., Krishtopik, A., Belkin, I., Panov, A. I. (2019). Object Detection with Deep Neural Networks for Reinforcement Learning in the Task of Autonomous Vehicles Path Planning at the Intersection. Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 28(4), 283-295. (URL) (code)
  35. Yudin D., Sotnikov A., Krishtopik A. Detection of Big Animals on Images with Road Scenes using Deep Learning. Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Innovations, IC-AIAI 2019, 9007324, pp. 100-103 (URL)
  36. Yudin, D., Ivanov, A., Shchendrygin, M. Detection of a human head on a low-quality image and its software implementation. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 42(2/W12), с. 237-241. 2019. (URL) (video)
  37. Ivanov A., Yudin D. Visibility Loss Detection for Video Camera using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference "Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry" (IITI'18). Springer. 2018. (URL) (code) (dataset)
  38. Yudin D., Kapustina E. Deep Learning in Vehicle Pose Recognition on Two-Dimensional Images. Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference "Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry" (IITI'18). Springer. 2018. (URL) (dataset 1, 2)
  39. Yudin, D., Slavioglo, D. Usage of fully convolutional network with clustering for traffic light detection. 2018 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018 - Including ECYPS 2018, Proceedings. Pp. 1-6, 2018. (URL) (code)
  40. Yudin, D., Naumov, A., Dolzhenko, A., Patrakova, E. Software for roof defects recognition on aerial photographs. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1015(3),032152, 2018 (URL) (code)
  41. 30. Yudin D., Zeno B. Event Recognition on Images by Fine-Tuning of Deep Neural Networks. Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference "Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry" (IITI'17), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 679, 2018, Pp. 479-487. (URL)
  42. Bazhanov A., Yudin D., Porkhalo V. Development of modular control software for construction 3D-printer. MEACS 2017, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 327 (2018) 022011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/327/2/022011 (URL)
  43. Yudin D., Knysh A. Vehicle recognition and its trajectory registration on the image sequence using deep convolutional neural network. The International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, 2017, P. 435-441. (URL)
  44. B. Zeno, D. Yudin, B. Alkhatib. Event recognition on images using support vector machine and multi-level histograms of local patterns. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, October 2016, Vol. 11, No. 20. Pp. 12282-12287 (URL)
  45. A. Bazhanov, D. Yudin, V. Porkhalo, E. Karikov. Control system of robotic complex for constructions and buildings printing. The International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT), 2016, pp. 23–31 (URL)
  46. Yudin D.A. Frolov S.V., Magergut V.Z., Rubanov V.G. Statistical methods analysis of green control of complex energy-intensive object. Proceedings of The International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies,Zilina,2015,pp.386-389 (URL)
  47. Yudin D.A. Automated control system of rotary kilns using machine vision: dis. ... cand. tech. sciences: 05.13.06; protected 05/22/14; approved 11/05/2014 / Yudin Dmitry Alexandrovich. - Belgorod, 2014 - 203 p. (URL) (video)
  48. Yudin D.A., Magergut V.Z. Optimization of a set of image texture characteristics based on a genetic algorithm. Questions of modern science and practice. University n.a. V.I. Vernadsky. 2014. № 4 (54). Pp. 67-71. (URL)
  49. Yudin D.A., Postolsky G.G., Kizhuk A.S., Magergut V.Z. Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Artificial Landmarks with Machine Vision System. World Applied Sciences Journal. 24 (11). 2013. Pp. 1467-1472. (URL)